Non-profit animal association

Mastines en la Calle

A home

not for profit


abandoned dogs

We give

Second Chances

About Us

Welcome to Mastines en la Calle!

Mastines en la Calle is a non-profit animal association, born with the intention of saving lives, rescuing abandoned dogs, giving second chances and helping those who need us most.

An association without any help from the government or the state, which survives only on occasional aid from individuals and friendly associations that work for the same purpose as us: Give dogs a new opportunity.

Mastiffs on the Street wants to change the world we know and that we offer to animals. A first home towards happiness.

About Us

Welcome to Mastines en la Calle!

Mastines en la Calle is a non-profit animal association, born with the intention of saving lives, rescuing abandoned dogs, giving second chances and helping those who need us most.

An association without any help from the government or the state, which survives only on occasional aid from individuals and friendly associations that work for the same purpose as us: Give dogs a new opportunity.

Mastiffs on the Street wants to change the world we know and that we offer to animals. A first home towards happiness.

Together we are stronger


Together we are a great team, a great alliance without fissures that we work very hard so that everything works perfectly, like the gears of a clock.

The Team

Mastines en la Calle is made up of wonderful people. In the front line we have the three pillars that bear the greatest weight of the association, Manuela, Mamen and Rafael. They are in charge, at the foot of the canyon of physical work, of being the feet and hands, in every way, of our rescued. They are a formidable team of three, who have known how to fit together like a perfect puzzle and who without expecting it have become more of a family than a team.


In Spain we also find the team of godmothers, who are spread over many areas of the country, such as Seville, Barcelona, Granada, Murcia…. The association was created in its beginnings thanks to the continuous support of all of them, who were part of the seed that germinated what is now Mastines en la Calle. They are Sandra, Luci, Carmen, Mery, Pilar, María José, Ana and Conchi.

Our ambassador

And many kilometers away are our German colleagues, our ambassador Kirsten Sanders, better known as Kiki, and our dear Ronja, who together make a perfect tandem to help us organize and translate everything we need on social networks, in addition to their work as reception and diffusion of our little ones.

Collaborate with Mastines en la Calle

Non-profit animal association, which was born with the intention of saving lives, rescuing abandoned dogs, giving second chances and helping those who need us most…

Together we are stronger

Together we are stronger
